What is Reiki? Healing Touch & Energy Clearing

Reiki is an ancient healing practice that’s designed to help clear stuck energy from the body so mind, body, and spirit can flow together in harmony. Reiki originated in ancient Tibet through Buddhist teachings. It was brought to light again in Japan during the mid 1800’s by Dr. Mikao Usai. It was then introduced to the United States in 1937 by a first generation Japanese-American named Hawayo Takata, who had success with Reiki therapy herself.  

In Japanese, “rei” means universal and “ki” means vital life force. (“Ki” is equivalent to the Chinese word “qi” which also means vital life force.) Together, the two words “rei” and “ki” make up the word “reiki,” which is defined as “universal vital life force” or “universal life energy.” 

Through the art of energy transfer, master Reiki practitioners are able to use this method to unblock, balance, and heal the energy pathways within the body.

Electromagnetic Energy

To understand this energy transfer, we first have to look at the electromagnetic energy that pulses through our bodies and exudes out from our bodies. In the body, there are cells that produce electrical activity or energy. For example, brain cells, or neurons, communicate and initiate cellular processes through the exchange of electrical signals. 

Looking from the inside-out, it may be surprising to hear that of all the organs in the body, the heart gives off the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy. The field of electromagnetic energy can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body (in all directions) and is 100 times larger than the brain's electromagnetic field. This energy comes from the effect that the heart's rhythmic pumping has on its cells.    

There is evidence that personal emotional states have electrical energy as well, which are communicated externally through the heart’s electromagnetic field.

Energy Transfer 

So what is reiki energy transfer? Just like electrical energy is produced by our bodies, there is also cosmic electrical energy that comes from the universe. This energy is unhindered by the emotional energy of a human being and is considered a healing innate energy. 

There is a common misconception of Reiki where some believe that the energy a person is receiving is coming from the Reiki practitioner themselves. However, the Reiki master is simply the conduit through which universal vital energy flows. The healer must clear their own energy fields, call in support from the spiritual realm, and capture positive energy ions from the vibrational world in order to successfully serve as the master conductor. 

Think of the electromagnetic energy field like a donut that surrounds the body. A master Reiki practitioner is able to channel the universal vital energy through the top of the head (the donut hole gap) and transfer that energy through their body and hands to the receiver.  

This transfer of energy is non-invasive and consists of the master holding their hands lightly over meridians and chakras of the person’s body. The cells of the body pull the energy that they need through the practitioner’s hands until they have become regulated once again, restoring balance. 

The Reiki master is also receiving energy as they are transferring it.


Our bodies have three different sources of energy. Our aura (energy field), our chakras (energy centers), and our meridians (energy pathways). 

Meridians are like energy rivers that are associated with organs in the body. As long as “ki” or vital life energy can flow through these meridians without being blocked, the body should be able to operate efficiently. If there is a blockage in any of these channels, sickness can manifest. 

These blockages usually come from a physical, mental, or spiritual trauma or a systemic imbalance within the body. The goal of a Reiki practitioner is to invite universal vital energy into “stuck” areas along the meridians, so energy can be absorbed by cells and the dams can be cleared. This allows for the vital energy to once again flow freely within the body and health to be restored.

During a typical Reiki session, a person lies either face up or face down on a massage table while the Reiki practitioner hovers their hands (palm down) along meridians of the body. Medical qigong styles of energy transfer will also include light therapeutic touch to the receiver’s physical system. While energy is being transferred, a person might feel a hot, cold, or tingling sensation in areas where energy might be stuck. Pulsing is also a common feeling. 

Although some people can feel the energy shift in a physical way, others may not physically notice the sensation. A session will usually last between 30-60 minutes, although simple “energy clearings” can be conducted in under 15 minutes.


There are 7 chakras in the body that match the positioning of the endocrine system. This system influences most functions in the body through the production of hormones, or chemical messengers. Each chakra is an energy center of nerves that matches up with the main hubs of the endocrine system, and the meridians flow throughout the body from chakra to chakra. 

Energy often gets stuck in these areas due to physical, mental, or spiritual trauma. Think of physical pain due to an injury. There is often physical damage, such as scarring and excess heat, that hinders the area. Such an injury will create stuck energy (due to the focus that the body or mind has on this area), preventing a flawless flow of energy.

Providing vital energy for the chakras and keeping meridians clear will help support the health of the body, mind, and spirit. All chakras must be in harmony with one another in order to provide free flowing energy to the nervous system.

Blend of Medical Qigong and Reiki

Medical movement or qigong and Reiki are two forms of therapy that draw awareness to the vital life force that flows within the body. While qigong focuses on the harmony of an individual’s movement, breath, and mind to encourage a flawless energy flow, Reiki employs universal vital energy to bring balance to energy areas that are stuck. 

Due to the nature of trauma, it is sometimes difficult to dislodge blockages of energy on a personal level as there can be many factors and an elusive root cause. At the Wildflower Clinic, we provide the support of medical Qi application/energy transfer, acupressure therapy, and the vessel of a master Reiki practitioner, so we can best locate and focus attention on imbalanced meridians. Implementing a holistic method of healing will bring balance to all parts of the body, mind, and spirit so energy can flow freely and you can feel confident and healthy.


Anderson, E. Z. (2009). Energy therapy. Complementary Therapies for Physical Therapy. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780721601113500191 

Lange, T. A. (2018). Reiki Made Easy: Heal Your Body and Your Life with the Power of Universal Energy. United Kingdom: Hay House.

HeartMath Institute. (2022). Chapter 06: Energetic communication. HeartMath Institute. Retrieved from: https://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/energetic-communication/#:~:text=The%20heart%20is%20the%20most,activity%20generated%20by%20the%20brain. 

McGill, R. (2021). Reiki Healing the Ultimate Guide: Chakras Healing Meditation + Cognitive Behavioral Therapy + Reiki Healing for Beginners. (n.p.): Youcanprint.


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